Monday, February 11, 2008

Some Good Things About Today

Waking up at seven and being able to sleep in for an hour.

Watching the morning news and listening to the radio.

Listening to Graceland in Morrison Library.

Eating good little carrots.

Taking a much-needed nap in Brewed Awakening on their amazing couch.

Seeing Lucas, forgetting I saw Lucas, and then getting hit by Lucas.

Seeing a pair of beige and maroon striped sleeves stretch up across the microcomp room, smiling, and the waldo-ness of them, and then realizing it was Joe :)

Going for an amazing run, and not stopping on the hard uphills.

Making dinner.

Watching Seinfeld.

Finding out that my Problem Set is not worth very much of my grade, so I can focus on learning the stuff rather than stressing out about points.


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