Monday, February 23, 2009

Muckin Around Monday

Kevin Bacon, Elizabeth McGovern, Faye's display shelf, and two-dollar Mondays? Alright, Faye's Espresso and Video, I'll bite: More on that as the night develops.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Three Gens

Love this picture. I think part of my tax refund will be spent on a camera.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday 5:09pm

The Shins ... We Will Become Silhouettes

Mason Jennings ... Nothing

Mason Jennings ... Butterfly

Mason Jennings ... Jackson Square

The Shins ... Mine's Not a High Horse

Dexy's Midnight Runners ... Come On Eileen

Bay City Rollers ... Bye Bye Baby

The Beatles ... Happiness Is a Warm Gun

Queen + David Bowie ... Under Pressure

The Magnetic Fields ... Kiss Me Like You Mean It

R.E.M. ... It's the End of the World As We Know It

Bright Eyes ... Take It Easy (Love Nothing)

Bright Eyes ... I Believe In Symmetry

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This England!

Every step of my morning commute today smelled like England. The stairs of our flat building, the intersection of 16th and Guerrero, The Pub on campus (ironically the least English place I know), all of them had that completely unique and lovely smell that I associate with England. I think a little pocket of English air wafted across the Atlantic to prep me for my brief trip to the place I've never lived that feels like home.

This one gives me chills:

This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,--
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

We Miss You Ben!

whats his name phil kevin works with a guy called phil hes quite strange yeah we got a message from him hes a single guy and hes always at work and he always works all night long oh really why yeah he was calling the other day when we were at the restaurant right yeah phil was like thirty maybe thirty two what are we doing and he had this girlfriend that was really nice but she was pretty weird too they had been going out for like four months are you just going to go in your jeans there jo yes but he was so nice like i really like he knew who he was and didnt need to be any different comfortable in his own skin i like that they know who they are

i suppose its time to brush my teeth what do you think yes oops sorry my stuffs in the way just having a little trouble getting over my bed

abandoned house place hm how do we get up there look sox we are getting all ready sox whacha doing well have to put their collars back on do these just go in that cupboard there any one yeah they can go in that one thats not supposed to go in there who put that in there sometimes i put things in places by mistake and i never find them

they have to wear these yes

hes gonna get excited because he knows hes going for a walk he already got excited does he like it tight on him or kinda loose oh he likes it loose john and hilary like to put the collars on so tight i am always worried they wont be able to eat enough

theres some coffee here

because i brought skis back with me im not going to take them to europe the bike was getting a bit old wasnt it andi bit it was getting old wasnt it eh eh

somebody left some coffee

check this out man youve got a bunch of craziness what what he knows hes going on a walk whats this sox whats going on were going on a walk what what we going where we going grrrrgrrrrr grrr what page is this on well theres one that goes from the coast to the coast whoa how long is that well its only twelve days its only a short section of it

do you want to borrow socks jo no just the shoes are you sure because look theyre falling apart a bit youll want the socks ok give me the socks see where ive put duct tape on them oh i see yeah thanks for the socks theyre a bit big for me so theyll be a bit big for you ok thats great so jo did you want that wine bottle yeah i do

this one here sweet its almost full three hundred dollars three hundred dollars do you reckon yeah ask jo she counts it hey hey hey i count that i count that

Friday, February 6, 2009

five twenty eight five twenty eight this day should have been over hours ago fridays drag on so long over here why cant the people here understand fridays nevan walks in with a mouth full of cake he doesnt know who its for oh my god five thirty he says five twenty nine i say i had a meeting he says and runs out the door grabbing another piece of cake simon is singing queen in his office for some reason there is a scott in a meeting with davide i want to go to scotland i wouldnt mind being a sheep farmer for a living why are people in small villages always aching to get out of them what a sweeping generalization jo good one jo what the hell jo why am i suddenly so aware of my elbows all of the sudden why have i chosen to draw a world map on my wall instead of just tacking one up like most people do is it because i dont want to pay for the framing yes i think thats it but come on jo consider the man hours you could be doing something else with the fifty hours its going to take you to draw that and fifty hours of your work is worth at least a thousand dollars so basically you are paying one thousand dollars for the priviledge of getting pencil smudged all over yourself while you sketch the world onto your wall maybe a nice framing job would have been a better way to go how much bacon could i buy for one thousand dollars probably a lifetime of bacon actually maybe only a years supply of bacon it really depends on how much you like your bacon when did i switch to writing in the third person i am not in the custom of talking to myself i never stand in the shower telling myself youre not sick youre not sick i never eat half of a snickers and then decide that i dont want the rest i never eat snickers anyway theyre gross i will never understand why anyone would choose a snickers over a regular chocolate bar how can a man whos warm understand the man whos cold?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Some Pegs

tea and bread


ordering the most expensive possible option at lab lunch

prime suspect


getting to the health and education chapters in my book

excellent ingredients dinner
