Sunday, February 14, 2010

oh hello little blog i didn't see you there

An interesting conversation with P and A today: Why does there seem to be absolutely zero rebellion or counter culture among this country's youth? Because they're focused, we concluded, on the goals they've been handed, on saving the country. Once they've worked hard their whole lives and saved the country, achieved their goals, perhaps their children will look at the saved country they live in and conclude that technology and upped GDP doesn't automatically equate to happiness, and they'll say fuck it. Perhaps, kind of Haha. Had we any choice in the matter? Have they? We like to think we do. They like to think they don't.

You're welcome, entire culture of the country I've lived in for precisely seven weeks. I will be speaking for you now.

I really should just stick to liking music, I'm alright at that:

What's been turning me all inside out, reminding me of my old home and making me comfortable in my new home, nightly: The Avett Brothers. Oh, oh, oh, would that I were in California: tour dates in Indio, Oakland, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Quincy.

I keep telling myself that it'll be fine
You can't make everybody happy all of the time...

The weight of lies will bring you down
And follow you to every town
Cause nothing happens here that doesn't happen there
When you run make sure you run
To something and not away from
Cause lies don't need an aeroplane to chase you down.

Well you send my life awhirling
Darling when you're twirling upon the floor
Well who cares about tomorrow?
What more is tomorrow than another day?

New house, new roommates, new music for them to ask me to turn down in the middle of the night.


Malachi said...

thanks for that! fox theater on a saturday night in oakland! yes, please!

your mum and dad guest blogging on UCK, your thoughts?

i love love love it all!

Joanna said...

love the guest posting, and also love the fact that our blog's acronym is uck.

eternally glad to share the avett brothers. i had you in mind specifically with this one, malachi. your horrible affinity for country and my all-consuming love of folk can finally stroll hand-in-hand down the champs elysees listening to les bros avett!

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