Friday, October 9, 2009

7h55 - 8h00am

once every while that smell when i wake up that feel that chill that complete all encompassing comfort that reminder of ENGLAND! and i know today has legs because it started with england.

sometimes it's nice to be scary rather than scared. yesterday, as i walk apace past a kenneth brannaugh lookalike on market street near hayes valley:

jesus, you scared me.

is it the hood? should i not wear the hood?

no no, it's just, you know.


the city, you know.

my map is not done, probably won't get done. i lost my ruler, see. the ruler was the heart of it, because without the ruler there are no little squares, and sans squares continents and countries and counties and towns and individual homes get squashed and reassigned, and i kill and displace millions with the stroke of my humble pencil. so i'd rather let it sit.


Malachi said...

i thought the squares were all drawn in?

Joanna said...

Negative, GR, they are only half done. Asia and Australia anxiously await existence.