going home for the weekend because i love my family and because i ran out of rhino. oh you don't know that rhino is slang for money? my my aren't you behind the times.
run five miles
write to andy and richard and two more
make a fresh fruit pie
make something with pumpkin in it
get a <4 basket in disc golf
finish galapagos
start the power and the glory
own at cribbage on both sides of the bay
awesome list. though...
do not finish einstein's dreams! you bought that wednesday and are going to finish it?! this isn't dahl or tolstoy or even steinbeck; take your time with einstein's dreams! i read one a day til it was done and i still don't think all of the scenarios sunk in.
but that's just my opinion :)
maybe i'll make a list of goals too...
NOTED. I'll take my time with Einstein's dreams. Mike and I are going to have to share it...Mike: how about I read a dream at night, then shuttle the book to you in the morning, then you read the same one that night, then shuttle to me the next morning, and on and on. Too great, or just great enough?
Cribbage on Sunday evening maybe, la and Don Draper?
ooh cribbage? donde?
good call on einstein's dreams! Lisa, it's a good thing you're more on top of this blog than I am or Jo would've had a not too pleasant book reading experience.
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