Ellie snagged me a packet of M&M's, so rather than chomp them down straight I decided to burn some calories digesting the stats:
16 Blues
11 Greens
5 Oranges
11 Reds
6 Browns
6 Yellows
Trying to dredge up standard deviations and likelihood of getting that many blues will be fodder for the treadmill tomorrow. Mindless math is the only thing that pulls me through my runs. I was pleased by the overabundance of blues, but what happened to yellow? Little disappointed. If I had my way, orange would be out.
Ate the Cal colors today and saved the harvest festival for tomorrow. All in all, thanks Ellie!
I also did this:

A Photoshop Romp feat. Nevan Krogan and a Ribosome.
i just don't understand that picture at all!
and separating m&ms into their color groups is one of my favorite pastimes. you got a lucky bunch! oh and i'd kick orange out of the color scheme too. orange is the epitome of the word blah...
OMG FM i could quote you all day. you are a riot.
i could go without yellow, actually.
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