Wednesday, April 30, 2008

And a Happy Day It Is

Happy birthday Peter! Surmounting countless obstacles, beating all the odds, Peter is still with us fully 8 years after surviving his most unfortunate tragedy, his birth. He is a study in abnormality, a beacon of sleep, and a constant reminder of the perils of blind, dumb devotion. The world is a more beautiful place with Peter around, and we've all got the stink bites to prove it.

Peter Garrity
30 April, 2000 - Still Going!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

In My 24 Hours

1 problem set
1 6-page paper
41 inches produced
6 hours worked
1.5 hours of research
thousands of dead birds
15 episodes of the midwest teen sex show (never again)
1 awful roommate
20 mini wheats
4 cups of tea
4 hours of sleep
8 dollars
4 Newmanites
0 important e-mails
1 cold
1 Peter.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Run Run Run Run

Today's run was tough and horrible and lovely and vibrant and reminded me of everything I love and hate about running. It took me up through campus and winding around the south side, ending up in Elmwood on College Avenue before I turned around and retraced it all. Following David Hernandez's advice about running for time, not distance, which proved to be more difficult than I though but probably more fun and definitely more hilly. On my way back a street dweller yelled: "Why are you running? Nobody's chasing you!" Why indeed.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I A M 2 A M

Getting very excited about the Old 97's coming on JUNE 17th. I wonder more than every recently if I will ever have the courage or the opportunity to live my life like they sing their songs. I love all of them and everything about them, from my nose to my toes. Talk about a magic moment.

Required Listening:

Designs On You
Let the Idiot Speak
Friends Forever
Melt Show
The House That Used to Be
Wish the Worst
Over the Cliff
and many many many many more, anything you can get your hands on!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

killing time and other things

i counted to 1,000 last night, sixteen minutes and forty seconds. is this what it's all about?