Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What My Internationally Renowned Berkeley Education Has Taught Me

We should go back to the bartering system.

I want to live off the fat of the land.

796 pages of econometric knowledge ultimately ends with a ?

The most important part of a paper is the bibliography.

Beautiful surroundings help me learn.

When it's really windy, trees fall over.

A short, meaningful conversation with a professor about the subject they have devoted their lives to is worth more than a full semester's worth of textbook reading.

Even Evans is beautiful when you consider the people inside.

Everyone has value, even mass comm majors.

Eating good, tasty food is really important, as is involving other people in mealtime!

Take time to enjoy reading rooms.

Take a step back, put each class, paper, test, lecture, and reading assignment in its context, and enjoy the priviledge that is being here :)

1 comment:

Juliette said...

seriously though, when it's really windy Trees Fall Over!!! WATCH OUT!